Do’s and Don'ts for Lactating Mothers

According to the leading Breast Surgeon in Delhi NCR, Lactating mothers should follow precautionary care while breastfeeding their kids and should be conscious of the dos and don'ts of breastfeeding. This is because the nutritional intake or diet of the mother, her overall health and her daily routine plays a significant role in determining the quality of her milk which is important for her child’s overall growth and development.

Now let us analyse in detail the dos and don'ts of breastfeeding:


  1. Breastfeed the baby for at least 6 months

According to the leading Breast Surgeon in Gurgaon, mothers should breastfeed their children for at least six months if possible. The Colostrum is the milk that is produced for about 2-3 days post-delivery and is extremely healthy and nutritious for a baby’s growth and development.

  1. Breastfeed as per the routine

The next mandatory step is to breastfeed the child according to the planned schedule or routine. You should plan out a schedule or breastfeeding routine for your child and breastfeed as per that planned schedule. It is worth considering that despite the fact whether the child is hungry or not, he should be breastfed as per the planned schedule. You can also consult your gynaecologist about the same.

  1. Drinky plenty of Water

Before breastfeeding, you should drink sufficient water to improve the milk flow. You can also drink any kind of hydrating fluids like fresh juice which too can help in increasing the flow of your milk. 

  1. Mind your Diet

Your diet plays an important role in determining milk quality and consistency of your milk. Eat as per the diet chart suggested by your doctor and avoid eating junk, alcohol, smoking or any strong medications that might have severe implications on your health and breast milk. Try eating meals that are nutritious and inculcate protein-rich foods more in your diet or foods high in dietary fibre such as leafy green vegetables, fresh fruits, tofu, cheese etc.

  1. Maintain Good Hygiene

Maintaining a good hygiene level is very essential for a baby's health. Always keep yourself and your breasts clean and wash your hands before breastfeeding to avoid any risk of bacterial infections.


  1. Give up on Intoxicants

Intoxicating substances such as alcohol, drugs and smoking should be completely discarded, as this can have harmful effects on the milk.

  1. Do not ignore sore nipples

Sore nipples should never be ignored and should be immediately dealt with. You should consult a good Breast Surgeon in Gurgaon in case you experience sore nipples. 

  1. Don't eat any Medications

If you are a breastfeeding mother then you should strictly avoid eating any kind of painkillers or medications which might impact your milk's quality. 

  1. Do not give any Prelacteal feeds to the baby

Avoid giving any sort of Prelacteal feed to your baby as this can be extremely harmful to your baby's health. 

  1. Do not breastfeed when angry or depressed

This is a lesser-known fact that your mood plays a crucial role in breastfeeding. Hence, do not breastfeed your baby when you are anxious or upset and this might negatively impact the quality of your milk and your baby might even sense it. 


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