Bhajans: The Musical Pathway towards Eternal Glory
What are Bhajans?
Bhajan refers to any devotional song with a religious theme or spiritual ideas, specifically among Indian religions, in any language. The term bhajanam (Sanskrit: भजनम्) means reverence and originates from the root word bhaj (Sanskrit: भज्), which means to revere, as in 'Bhaja Govindam' (Revere Govinda). The term bhajan also means sharing.
The term 'bhajan' is also commonly used to refer to a group event, with one or more lead singers, accompanied by music, and sometimes dancing. Normally, bhajans are accompanied by percussion instruments such as tabla, dholak or a tambourine. Handheld small cymbals (kartals) are also commonly used to maintain the beat. A bhajan may be sung in a temple, in a home, under a tree in the open, near a riverbank or in a place of historic significance.
History of Bhajans
Devotion must be thoroughly practised and is meant to be joyous and delightful. A Bhajan may be sung individually. Also can be sung and it is sung more commonly together as a choral event wherein the lyrics include religious or spiritual context in the regional language. Bhajans are described as loving devotion to the almighty, legends from the Epics or the Puranas, compositions of Bhakti movement saints, or spiritual themes from Hindu scriptures. The Bhajans in many Hindu conventions are a form of congregational singing and bonding that gives the individual an opportunity to share in the music-driven spiritual and community experience. Also, the community shared a sense of identity, wherein people shared food, met and reconnected. Bhajans have played a significant role in community organisation in the 19th and 20th-century colonial times when Indian workers were brought to distant lands such as Trinidad, Fiji, and South Africa as chela Barbour on plantations.
From historical times and till now, the way bhajans have evolved is glorious. The ancient time's bhajans were sober and soothing, whereas the modern time's Bhajans are full of ideation. Modern times bhajans are in different forms of genres although they have no rigid form. They can be as simple as a mantra or kirtan or as perfect as the Dhrupad, thumri, or Kriti with music based on classical ragas and talas.
What significance do Bhajans possess?
“Devotional singing induces in you a desire of experiencing the truth– to glimpse of the beauty that is God – to taste the bliss that is self. It encourages man to dive himself and be genuinely his real self”-- Sathya Sai Baba.
Bhajans fill the gap between us and the Almighty in a musical way.
Bhajan plays a vital role in spiritual practice in Hinduism. While we practice the method in alignment with the higher power, the music is an enormous part of the journey. Bhajan is the bhakti term for devotional music. In Hinduism, there are Hindi bhajans sung by devotees while praising the almighty. Bhajans have historical roots in the ancient metric and musical traditions of the Vedic era, significantly the Samaveda. The Samaveda Samhita is not meant to be read as a text. it is supposed to be sung as it is like a harmonious score sheet that must be heard.
What benefits does Bhajan chanting serve us?
devotional songs or bhajans have distinct and diverse benefits on both physical and mental levels. Some of them are:
Bhajans embark on mindfulness and peace
While we sing, we gain more hold on to our vocal cords. Thus singing bhajans embraces our vocal cord's functionality
They broaden our mind spectrum
Creates buoyant and optimistic aurora around us
Align us to the almighty
Makes devotion and praying a little more joyous by adding musical tones
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