7 Signs to see if you are Pregnant

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful feelings in a lifespan. There is no other feeling as special as that of experiencing motherhood. But to be assured of whether you have conceived or not there are a certain number of signs which can help you to see if you are pregnant. Many may believe that the only possible sign to discover an early-stage pregnancy is a missed period, but that is not the case. There are a few other major signs too that can indicate a pregnancy. Check them out:

Missed periods

One of the most common signs of pregnancy or to see whether you are pregnant or not is a missed period. If you are physically active or in your childbearing years, then a missed period can be an early sign of pregnancy. Although there can be other reasons for missed periods such as irregular menstrual cycle, health conditions etc. Hence, it is recommended to visit a good gynaecologist to confirm your pregnancy. 

Nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are other common signs of early pregnancy. If you are experiencing morning sickness or feeling nauseous then there is a clear sign that you might be pregnant. However, nausea and vomiting can be due to some underlying health condition and to confirm your pregnancy it is best to visit the best gynaecologist in South Delhi.

Frequent or excessive urination

Are you peeing more than you normally do? If yes, then this could mean that you are pregnant. Your body experiences an increased amount of blood during pregnancy, as a result, your kidneys have to function aggressively for the filtration process, leading to increased urination. 

Swollen breasts or nipples

Swollen or tender breasts are another common sign of early pregnancy in females. This majorly occurs due to hormonal changes in your body. The breast tenderness may subside over some time when the body will adjust itself to the hormonal changes. 

Fatigue and lack of energy

Do you feel more tired than before or feel a lack of energy in your body? This too can be an indication that you are pregnant. Though the exact causes of fatigue or tiredness are not known, many believe that it is majorly due to increased production and release of progesterone hormone in your body. 

Mood fluctuations

Though this is not a major symptom or sign of pregnancy, it is one of the many signs of an early-stage pregnancy. Mood swings are a sign or symptom that not just occurs at the onset of pregnancy but continues throughout the pregnancy.

Mild blood spotting

Light spotting is one of the major signs of early pregnancy. This can be a clear indication of implantation at the onset of pregnancy. Many females might even confuse it with their period cycle but this can be a clear sign of pregnancy. Implantation occurs when the fertilised egg attaches itself to the lining of the uterine walls. But not all may experience this sign. 

Though these are the major signs of an early pregnancy it is best to consult the best gynaecologist in South Delhi.


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